Business Survival Guides

Free Business Survival Guides

Helping your business in difficult times

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Help for Directors

All businesses face the occasional financial crisis but when they become a critical problem you need to know exactly where you stand. In our help for directors section, you will find specific information for answering your questions around if you are insolvent, what you need to do if you are and how it will affect you.

Creditors Voluntary Liquidation

What is known as Creditors Voluntary Liquidation is the process that most businesses must go through if they are insolvent. It can be a difficult time for everyone involved, so we have created this special section of our site to give you the important facts about CVLs in a clear and down to earth way so you can see where you stand.

Members Voluntary Liquidation

This is when your company is still solvent, but you (and your fellow directors) decide it is time to call it a day and retire or move on to the next stage of your lives.  With an MVL, you will release the assets and use these funds to pay off the creditors before returning the remaining funds to the shareholders.

Understanding Restricted Funds in Third Sector Organisations

Understanding Restricted Funds

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Understanding Restricted Funds in Third Sector Organisations

Restricted funds can be a real problem if a 3rd sector organisation that uses them runs into financial difficulties. It’s vital that they are handled properly at all times and that is particularly important if insolvency is likely.


What Are Restricted Funds?

Restricted funds are donations, grants, or other financial contributions given to a charity or third-sector organisation with specific conditions on how they can be used. As a rule, this means they will be ring-fenced for specific purposes and therefore restricted in use.

Restricted funds differ from other sources of funding such as:

Unrestricted funds – These are for general use and how they are used is at your discretion.

Endowment funds - which may be invested and only the income generated can be used for charitable purposes

Restricted funds are subject to some very clear and rather strict legal and ethical procedures during insolvency and they must be handled correctly or there is a danger that Trustees and other stakeholders could be held liable for their misuse.


Which Organisations May Have Restricted Funds?

Restricted funds are quite common in third-sector organisations. The organisations that may have them include:

The chances are that if you rely on grants, donor contributions, or public funding, you may need to manage specific restricted funds. Proper financial governance is essential to ensure compliance with donor conditions and legal requirements. Should there be a financial crisis, you cannot divert or use these funds except for the purpose for which they were donated or granted.


How Should Restricted Funds Be Handled During Insolvency?

If a third-sector organisation faces insolvency, handling restricted funds correctly is critical.

What these rules will mean to you and your organisation will be down to the way the funds were donated, what their purpose was, how they can be returned or transferred, and potentially several other factors. It’s important you contact us as soon as possible so we can discuss how this will work for you.


Restricted Funds and Insolvency

It really is vital you take professional advice if you are looking at financial difficulties and your organisation uses restricted funds. Failing to handle them properly could mean trouble with charity law and funding agreements. Trustees have a duty to ensure that funds are used appropriately, and misusing restricted funds could result in legal action, regulatory fines, or personal liability for those responsible.

Restricted funds are a vital part of third-sector funding. They also help ensure that donor contributions are used for their intended purpose. During insolvency, handling these funds correctly is not just a legal obligation but also an ethical necessity. Trustees and financial managers must be fully aware of their responsibilities to prevent legal repercussions and protect the integrity of the organisation.

If you are involved in managing a third-sector organisation facing insolvency, then as your insolvency practitioners we can help ensure that restricted funds are handled correctly and compliantly.

Your first consultation is free, so, if you are worried about insolvency, press the red button on the banner and let’s talk.

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Find out more about our insolvency, liquidation or recovery service.  Learn how we can support you with clear, straightforward and empathetic guidance and support.

Call us on 0116 2967507 (Leicester), 01926 969000 (Warwick), 02476 0179639 (Coventry) or 01604 263179 (Northampton), or email us on